Author Guideline
Types of Paper
Contributions falling into the following categories will be considered for publication: full-length articles/research papers or review articles .Please use this word template while drafting your article. Doing so, ensures adherence to the journal style.
Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these).
Additional Information
Tables and figures may be presented with captions within the main body of the manuscript; if so, figures should additionally be uploaded as high resolution files.
Article structure
This section describes the article structure for this journal.
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. (the abstract is not included in section numbering). Use this numbering also for internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to 'the text'. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line.
The introduction must contain research background, the research problem highlighting the significance of the study, a review of existing literature that evaluates pertinent findings and synthesizes contemporary theoretical and practical advancements, an elucidation of the originality of the concept by identifying the knowledge gap addressed by the research focus or novelty, and conclude with a clearly articulated research objective.
Research Method
The research method describes the stages of research conducted to achieve the research objectives. The research methods include: (1) data collection techniques (survey/observation/interview/questionnaire) that show the operationalization of the selected method, along with the criteria and targets of sampling, respondents, and key informants; and (2) An elucidation of the operationalization of the data analysis methodology employed (if the author utilizes statistical computations, delineate the variables to be assessed and the statistical model applied).
Results and Discussion
Results should be described concisely and clearly. The results and discussions contain research findings that are supported by adequate data. The findings of the research are not only in the form of data interpretation/data analysis but must also be associated with the conditions and facts at the research site, why and how can this happen? What is the development trend of the current research focus? Explanations must be explained scientifically using justifications that can be accounted for, not only in descriptive form. In addition, the main thing of the results and discussion is how the author elaborates by considering the feedback on the concepts and methods used and explaining the differences in the results or findings with previous research.
The conclusion should answer the objectives that have been formulated, including the proposed proposition or hypothesis. The conclusion does not repeat/re-explain the research findings that have been described in the results and discussion section but explains the summary of the findings as expected in the research objectives. Also explain how this research advances the field of science, both in terms of theoretical development, methodology, and policy implications.
Acknowledgments are primarily addressed to research funders or donors. Gratitude can also be conveyed to those who help in the implementation of the research, for example the survey team and resource persons who have helped provide data and information. Authors whose names are listed in the list of authors do not need to be thanked in this sub-chapter.
All references used in writing articles must be included in the bibliography. The bibliography is written in alphabetical order of the author's name. The bibliography used must be in accordance with the topic of the article with a minimum of 20 references (the last 10 years).
The bibliography refers to the APA 6th Edition (American Psychological Association) format. Writing references is highly recommended to use reference manager software, such as Mendeley, Endnote, or, Zotero.