RRI Lhokseumawe's Media Convergence in Maintaining Existence in the Digitalization Era
digitalization, media convergence, radioAbstract
Media convergence presents both a challenge and a necessity for radio media in the digital era, due to the complexity of integrating information and communication technology, computer networks, and media content. RRI must adapt to changes in data usage patterns within society through media convergence to remain competitive and sustain its existence. This study aims to identify the aspects of media convergence at RRI Lhokseumawe that help maintain its presence in the digital era. The research is grounded in media convergence theory by Grant and Wilkinson and employs a qualitative research methodology. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The research informants included eight individuals: the director of RRI, and members from the news, broadcasting, new media engineering departments, as well as RRI observers. Descriptive qualitative analysis was used to interpret the data. The stages of data analysis included data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. The study found that RRI Lhokseumawe maintained its presence in the digital age by embracing convergence. This convergence was implemented through several channels, such as the website, RRI Go Play, YouTube channel, and RRI Net. As a result of this convergence, access became easier, allowing the public to access and enjoy information through smartphones anytime and anywhere. Additionally, the human resources at RRI Lhokseumawe underwent training to update their skills and abilities to keep pace with current technology.
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