Shielding Communication Privacy: Unveiling The Strategic Utilization Of Instagram’s Second Account Feature By Millennial Generation
privasi, instagram, second account, milenialAbstract
Privacy management amid the development of social media seems to be in a dilemma. On the one hand, social media provides space for expression and self-expression, including all information that comes in a personal context. But on the otherhand this has the potential to violate privacy. Uniquely, the second account feature is often considered a safe zone to express oneself more openly. It is in such situations that management privacy is required. In the theory of communication privacy management (CPM) by Sandra Petronio, a person’s boundaries in behavior must be determined by himself. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Data collection techniques by interviewing and documenting several uploads on the nformant’s second account. The results of this study indicate that the various violations that occurred on the second account were caused by a lack of knowledge to a wrong understanding that the data would be stored safely with the closest trusted person. Even though the person who is selected to enter the second account circle is also vulnerable to opening the data privacy of the account owner and even spreading it. After this research is expected to be input for social media users to be wiser in managing their privacy even in features that are considered safe.
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