Butterfly pea flowers have medicinal properties as antioxidants, antidiabetic agents, hepatoprotectives, anti-obesity compounds, anti-inflammatory agents, and anticancer substances. To ensure the safety of drugs, toxicity testing is necessary. Acute toxicity testing is a method to assess the impact of toxicity on specific organs, with the liver being the most frequently studied organ. Acute toxicity parameters in the liver can be observed by measuring bilirubin levels, SGOT, and SGPT. The objectives of this research are to identify signs of acute toxicity in test animals after administering ethanol extract of butterfly pea flowers, determine the LD50 value of the ethanol extract in acute toxicity testing, and assess the influence of the ethanol extract of butterfly pea flowers on bilirubin levels in test animals. Ethanol is extracted from butterfly pea flowers using the maceration process, and a fixed-dose approach is employed to conduct the Fixed Dose Method. The research results reveal that a dose of 2000 mg/kgBW per kilogram of body weight of butterfly pea flower extract does not induce acute toxicity. Furthermore, the LD50 value for the dose of 2000mg/kgBW is classified as moderately toxic. Additionally, there is a significant impact on bilirubin levels with a significance value (2-tailed) of <0.05, which is 0.003, whereas SGOT and SGPT levels do not exhibit a significant influence with values >0.05, specifically SGOT at 0.759 and SGPT at 0.324.
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