Five semiotic code, semiotics, roland barthes, novelAbstract
This research aims to interpret the meaning of cultural codes in the novel Gadis Kretek by Ratih Kumala. This type of research falls under the category of literature review. The study is supported by references such as novels and other book sources like journals, theses, dissertations, and so fort. The method employed in this research is qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive method is used to systematically and accurately describe the data under study based on existing phenomena. The data in this research consist of written data extracted from the story text, comprising words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs indicating the presence of cultural codes in the novel Gadis Kretek by Ratih Kumala. This research employs structural narrative analysis using Roland Barthes’ semiotic codes to read and understand signs, and then describe the meanings of these semiotic codes. The data source this research is the novel titled Gadis Kretek by Ratih Kumala published in Jakarta, by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in 2022 with a total of 275 pages. The findings of this research interpret the cultural codes that appear in the novel Gadis Kretek.
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