: Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan2024-12-27T14:33:54+08:00Dadi Journal Systems<p><strong>Mimbar : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan</strong> as part of the spirit of disseminating scientific research results and ideas for comprehensive service to the Society. Mimbar Journal publishes original research articles, review articles from contributors associated with social and development. The journal includes original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including social and development.<br><strong>MIMBAR : Jurnal Sosial dan Pembangunan </strong>(e-ISSN 2303-2499) accredited e-journal by Kemenristek Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia, and to the International Journal. The journal is published by the UPT Publikasi Ilmiah Unisba or Unisba Press. The research article submitted to this online journal will be double blind peer reviewed at least 2 (two) reviewers. The accepted research articles will be available online following the journal peer-reviewing process. Language used in this journal is English.</p> Culinary Policies for Halal and Non-Halal Labeling: Protecting Muslim Consumers in Global Jakarta2024-12-08T22:42:42+08:00Bani<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to analyze the dynamics of preserving and sharing halal food information for Muslim consumers in multicultural and global contexts. Access to halal food is essential in Muslim-majority regions. However, the rise of multiculturalism and global cosmopolitanism has led to acculturation in native foodways and diversification of culinary products. In Jakarta, a Muslim-majority city with rich multicultural complexity, merging culinary traditions often blur distinctions between halal and non-halal foods.Using qualitative methods, including in-depth interviews with culinary associations and enterprises in Singapore and Malaysia and an intensive literature review, this study identifies key practices and challenges in halal and non-halal labeling. Findings indicate that transparent and honest disclosure of non-halal product information is crucial for supporting enterprises in meeting halal certification standards. These measures protect Muslim consumers, enhance international consumer trust, and foster compliance with global food standards. In the post-pandemic era and Jakarta's transition to a global metropolis after the capital relocation, there is an urgent need to improve culinary literacy initiatives and standardize labeling procedures. These initiatives will strengthen Jakarta’s role as an inclusive and multicultural city, capable of addressing diverse dietary needs. This study, however, is limited in addressing broader policy and regulatory frameworks to ensure compliance across the culinary sector. Future research should explore strategies to overcome these limitations within Jakarta’s complex urban landscape. The findings emphasize the significance of clear labeling and regulatory consistency to promote local businesses, safeguard consumer trust, and support Jakarta’s evolving role in the global market.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bani Pamungkas, Saraswati, Maulana Yusuf Community Digitalization Culture in Building Permits2024-12-08T22:48:26+08:00Dwi Putranto<p>The readiness of the community to process building permits through SIMBG, which is all digital. The community is asked to finish it before submitting it to SIMBG. The digital transformation of municipal services has become a crucial aspect of innovative city initiatives, with the streamlining of building permit processing emerging as a critical focus area.This brings the community culture familiar with the digitization of permits.This study aims to know and analyze the cultural readiness of the community to obtain digital building permits through SIMBG.This study employed a descriptive qualitative methodology. The SIMBG operators that provided the primary and secondary data are taken from websites, journals, and technical service data. Qualitative data processing through interactive analysis is the study technique analysis that includes stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusion or verification drawing.This study's results indicate that the community's culture in digitizing building permits has shown an increase. This is indicated by only some people still taking care of building permits through SIMBG Clinic officers or offline and consulting on data input procedures and digital data requirements. Increasing the culture of digitalization of building permits by the local government through Dissemination of Building Permit Regulations regarding e-government Applications; Improving the Competence of Human Resources and the business world in Information Technology; Increasing the reach of the internet in all corners of the country; and Repair and update the SIMBG Application.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Putranto Riau Putranto, Daniel Pasaribu Level of Community Preparedness in Facing Drought Disasters2024-12-08T22:45:10+08:00Brian Nuari<p class="MimbarBodyAbstrak2022"><span lang="SV">In 2024, a drought in Kajen District caused many agricultural lands to fail and hampered community activities. Kajen District is the capital city that supports the center of activities. If a drought occurs, of course, this will inhibit the activities in it. This study aims to analyze the level of drought disaster preparedness in Kajen District. Specifically, the research location is a village affected by drought, namely in Gejlig, Kebonagung, Sambiroto, Tambakroto, and Tanjungsari Villages. This study uses a quantitative deductive approach, a questionnaire in the affected villages totaling 104 questionnaires. Based on the drought disaster preparedness analysis results, it is known that the parameter with the highest value is knowledgeability and attitude towards the risk of disaster, which is 98.08%. For cluster analysis, it was found that Gejlig, Sambiroto, and Tambakroto Villages were in class 1 (high), Kebonagung Village (medium), and Tanjungsari Village were in class 3 (low). When viewed based on the Pekalongan Regency RTRW 2020 - 2040, Kajen District is directed as ”PKL”, namely an urban area that functions to serve district-scale activities or several districts so that it needs to be supported by a clean water supply so that drought does not occur. With this drought disaster, the Regency Government must encourage policies and protocols to overcome drought disasters, such as irrigation infrastucture rehabilitation, land and water conservation and reforestation, especially in the Southern Part of Pekalongan Regency.</span></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Brian Pradana, Ade Pugara, Bagus Nuari Priambudi Penetration of the Buntet Islamic Boarding School2024-12-09T16:02:24+08:00Ivan Helena Mukhsindadanmukhsin@gmail.comDiden Rosendarozenda69@gmail.comMuhtadin<p>Buntet Islamic Boarding School is the third oldest Islamic boarding school in Indonesia. The Islamic boarding school was founded in 1750 and continues to exist now. It began as a single community in the block of Mertapada Kulon Village and has now grown to include many communities. The penetration of activities in Mertapada Village is interesting to observe in the context of space. Penetration that began with activities that were not economically oriented but developed into economic activities. The early education that was developed was traditional Islamic boarding school education aimed at spreading Islam. The purpose of this study is to explain the penetration space created by the activities of the Buntet Islamic boarding school. This research method combines a spatial approach using an Arch Map with surveys and field observations for ground data checks, interviews, and analysis of descriptions based on map data processing and field surveys, followed by interpretation of spatial penetration caused by Islamic boarding school activities. The study findings show that the Buntet Islamic Boarding School is a hub of activity that is not only focused on education but also on the village community's economic development. Space penetration happens as a result of past experiences and adaptability to the needs of Islamic boarding school education.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ivan Chofyan, Ina Helena Agustina, Dadan Mukhsin, Diden Rosenda, Muhtadin Yanto and Farmers Wellbeing: Evidence from Indonesia2024-12-26T23:20:36+08:00Rr. Retno ABDULAHrusli.abdulah@indef.or.idDwi Eka<p class="MimbarBodyAbstrak2022">This study aims to investigate the impact of internet usage types on the welfare of farmer households, focusing specifically on the distinction between internet use for trade and non-trade activities. Using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis on data from the 2020 SUSENAS (National Socioeconomic Survey) household survey, the study examines farmer households where the head of the household has internet access. The analysis explores how different uses of the internet correlate with household well-being and economic outcomes. The findings indicate that farmer households with internet access exhibit significantly higher welfare levels compared to those without internet. Notably, farmer households using the internet for commercial purposes—such as selling and purchasing goods or services—enjoy a marked improvement in welfare compared to those who only use the internet for non-trade activities. Households that access the internet solely for activities like reading news, social media browsing, or exchanging emails tend to experience lower welfare levels relative to those engaging in trade-related online activities. This study highlights the importance of promoting digital trade literacy and enabling rural internet infrastructure to maximize the potential benefits of internet access in farming communities. By understanding how internet access types impact farmer welfare, policymakers can better support the digital transformation of rural areas, aiming to improve socioeconomic conditions through targeted interventions. This research underscores the transformative potential of internet access when harnessed for trade purposes, offering valuable insights for rural development strategies.</p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rr. Retno Sugiharti, Rusli Abdulah, Dwi Rahmayani, Tuti Eka Asmarani Effect of Independent Board of Commissioners and Capital Intensity on Tax Avoidance2024-12-08T22:46:46+08:00Rahajeng Yasmin F.rahajengyf@gmail.comMeythi Meythimeythi@eco.maranatha.eduRiki Martusariki.martusa@eco.maranatha.eduRapina<p>The reason of this consider is to look at how the free board of commissioners and capital concentrated have an impact on assess shirking. The data gotten comes from the inspected yearly reports for 2020 to 2022 of coal mining companies recorded on the Indonesia Stock Trade. The number of perceptions chosen utilizing purposive determination is 45 information on the money related explanations of coal mining businesses gotten from the Indonesia Stock Trade and the company's site. The factors watched in this ponder incorporate assess evasion as the subordinate variable, capital escalated and autonomous board of commissioners as free components. The investigate discoveries appear that capital escalated and free board of commissioners both have an impact on assess evasion. The discoveries of this consider bolster the theory created and are reliable with the discoveries of other thinks about that found that the free board of commissioners and capital escalated significantly.</p>2024-12-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Meythi Meythi Resource Competence and Organizational Culture on Employee Performance through Work Discipline2024-12-08T22:40:32+08:00M. Yudhi Dharmawanyandhiyudhi@gmail.comAnis Rachma<p>The purpose of the study was to measure the influence of human resource competence and organizational culture on employee performance through work discipline, the research was conducted on employees of PT. Arexas Indonesia in Balikpapan City. The analytical tool technique used is SEM-PLS with a sample of 78 employees. The analyss data collection techniques using questionnaires with a Liker scale, the results of data management show that transformational leadership does not have a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment, transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, organizational commitment Positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 M. Risal Risal, Yandhi Yudhi Dharmawan, Anis Rachma Utary Implementation During the Covid-19 Pandemic: HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Batam<p>This study aims to describe how the policies in handling and preventing HIV/AIDS by City Batam Government during the Covid-19 Pandemic, which later during the Covid-19 pandemic established several policies aimed at reducing the chain of transmission of the Covid-19 Virus . This research is a descriptive qualitative research. This study used primary data and secondary data. The analysis technique in this study was triangulation which was carried out to check the validity of the data obtained from the results of interviews with informants and the results of interviews with informants. The technique of analyzing data is supported by the N-Vivo 12 Plus application. Policy implementation is seen based on Communication, Resources, Disposition, Bureaucratic Structure. factors influencing policy implementation during the Covid-19 Pandemic were Communication with a value of 15%, Human Resources during the Covid-19 Pandemic with a value of 23%, Disposition 36%, and Bureaucratic Structure with a value of 24%. The research results show that the implementation of policies in achieving policy goals or solving the HIV-AIDS problem during the pandemic has not been fully achieved. based on the characteristics of the problem is not precise. From the point of view of policy-making institutions, HIV and AIDS prevention policies have been made by institutions that are competent in their fields that are in accordance with the character of the policy.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Etika Khairina Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction2024-11-25T23:14:37+08:00Rini Nurcholisahkanianurcholisah@gmail.comNurfahmiyatinurfahmiyati@gmail.comRirin Sri<p class="MimbarBodyAbstrak2022">This article aims to empirically examine the effect of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles on job satisfaction and employee performance, and analyze the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of GCG on employee performance.The research method used is a verifiable research method with a quantitative approach. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire distributed to employees who work at Islamic banking institutions in the city of Bandung. The data analysis technique used was assisted by the SEM PLS statistical technique with a sample of 118 employees of Islamic banking institutions in the city of Bandung. The results of the study show that the implementation of GCG principles has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction and employee performance, job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance and the implementation of GCG principles has a positive and significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction.</p>2024-12-29T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rini Lestari Literacy in Sharia Disaster Insurance Practices in Indonesia2024-12-24T23:45:42+08:00Ellectrananda Anugerah Lisatyaningrung Hainekam<p>Reducing losses from natural disasters is an essential component of effective recovery and resilience building. Recognizing this, the Indonesian government has allocated a dedicated budget for disaster management through the State Budget (APBN) and Regional Budget (APBD), as stipulated in Law No. 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management. This allocation aims to ensure that resources are available for immediate response and long-term recovery efforts. However, the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, exacerbated by climate change, underscore the need for more substantial and adaptive financial mechanisms to address the growing demands for catastrophe funding.Funding mechanisms must extend beyond immediate needs such as emergency response and recovery. They should also encompass disaster risk transfer and mitigation initiatives, which include preventive measures, community preparedness, and investments in rehabilitation and reconstruction. Such an integrated approach not only addresses the consequences of disasters but also reduces risks and vulnerabilities over time.Individual risk insurers play a pivotal role in this framework by providing insurance solutions to help manage potential losses. In this context, the agreement between the insured and the insurer is formalized through a policy. This policy defines the insurer's obligation to cover specific risks that the insured may face in the future, in exchange for regular payments known as premiums. This system of risk transfer is a vital component of a comprehensive disaster risk management strategy, enabling both individuals and institutions to recover more swiftly from the financial impacts of disasters.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 ellectrananda sunarto Development Model At Islamic Boarding School2024-12-21T13:18:40+08:00Nurul Tri Sofie<p>Community partnership programs have been implemented in various regions in Indonesia, one of which is Santripeneur. This program aims to generate new entrepreneurs and produce superior products for Islamic boarding schools, which became known as the One Pesantren One Product program (OPOP). One of the Islamic boarding schools in Malang that has implemented the OPOP program is the An-Nashr Wajak Islamic Boarding School through the cultivation of chicken and catfish farms using qualitative research methods to analyze the impact of implementing OPOP implementation and assisting Islamic boarding schools in strengthening the vision in running a business according to the potential of the Islamic boarding schoolThe study results indicate that Islamic boarding schools' role is learning, disseminating religious knowledge, increasing students' creative attitudes, increasing entrepreneurial attitudes and advancing the economy of students, the community through livestock business is one of the roles of An-Nasr Islamic Boarding School in the socio-economic field.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Badriyah, SETYO TRI WAHYUDI, MOKHAMAD NUR, KARTIKA SARI, RIHANA SOFIE NABELLA, RADEETHA Children's Self-Control Based on Islamic Values to Prevent the Negative Impacts of Digital Device Usage2024-12-27T14:23:29+08:00Erhamwilda Afriantinurulafrianti28@gmail.comFitroh<p>Self-control is a critical skill essential for children to navigate the challenges posed by digital devices effectively. This study explores the role of Islamic values in fostering children's self- control to mitigate the negative consequences of modern digital interactions. The research involves a comprehensive literature review encompassing child development theories, Islamic teachings, and the implications of digital technology on young minds. Children's use of digital devices is a certainty for interacting with the online world. The internet offers various benefits but also brings several challenges and risks, especially for children and adolescents who lack strong self-control. Islamic teachings contain commands to develop self-control, which involves restraining oneself from actions prohibited by Allah and striving to follow Allah's commands. This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1) How is the process of developing children's self- control? 2) How is self-control developed according to Islamic guidance? 3) What are the negative impacts of digital device usage on children? A qualitative approach with literature review methods is used in this study. The results show that: 1) Self-control can be fostered through modeling, reinforcement, cognitive-behavioral techniques, delaying gratification, setting clear and consistent expectations and rules, etc.; 2) Parents need to guard their children's sight, hearing, and heart early through digital parenting. Parents play a crucial role in developing their children's conscience and preventing exposure to films, stories, games, and information that could damage their children's faith and morals. In conclusion, integrating Islamic values into children's education regarding self-control offers a holistic approach to safeguarding their well-being amidst the pervasive influence of digital devices. This approach not only supports their moral development but also prepares them to navigate the digital world responsibly and ethically.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Erhamwilda Erhamwilda, Nurul Afrianti, Fitroh Hayati Esthetic Analysis of Bandung City2024-12-27T14:27:19+08:00Verry Damayantiverrydamayanti0904@gmail.comFachmy Sugih Pradiftafachmy.pradifta@gmail.comLutfhi Ahmad Barwantoluthfi.barwanto@gmail.comAmalia Putri Yosevaamaliaputriyos@gmail.comMuhammad Ersyah Fadhillahersyahf04@gmail.comGalang Rahman<p>The growth and development of the population has caused urbanization phenomena that imply some problems such as congestion, dusty settlements, lack of open green spaces, floods, air pollution, which of course can reduce the comfort and aesthetics that exist in Bandung City. Efforts to improve the aesthetics of the city of Bandung, are currently limited to attempts to set up pavements and parks, as well as underground cable planting systems. (ducting kabel). The aesthetics of a city and its layout can influence the way people see and feel the city, as well as how they interact with its surroundings. Therefore, in order to make an effort to improve the aesthetics of a more targeted city, it is necessary to assess the quality of aesthesia of the city first. Thus, the purpose of this research is to evaluate the aesthetic quality and the efforts to improve the quality of the esthetics of the city in Bandung. The evaluation of the city's aesthetic quality was analysed using the Scenic Beauty Estimation (SBE) method, which assessed 25 vantage points in Bandung. From the results of the SBE assessment , the vantage point with the lowest SBE score is found in the densely populated area of Tamansari (A1) with a score of 0.00 and the highest is the area of Mesjid Al Jabbar (F2) with the score of 227.56.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Verry Damayanti, Fachmy Sugih Pradifta, Lutfhi Ahmad Barwanto, Muhammad Ersyah Fadhillah, Galang Rahman Maulana Improvements to the Production Process to Realizing Halal Culinary in Tourist Village2024-12-27T14:33:54+08:00Dede R. Oktinidede.r.oktini@gmail.comNurdin<p>This activity will be directed at meatball businesses in Rende. This activity is carried out to assist businesmen in making improvements production process, procuring materials, namely purchasing meat which must be purchased from butchers who have a halal certificate. The process of making meatballs must also be done in a clean place, clean equipment, clean hands and body, enough water, using special gloves. This activity method consists of several stages, namely a workshop where the trainer already has a certificate accompanying halal products. The second stage is assistance in improving the production process. The third stage is assistance in making the NIB. If the business actor already has an NIB, the next stage is to apply for a halal certificate. The results of this activity only produced 3 NIB due to technical problems with the application and cellphone numbers that could not be followed up.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dede R. Oktini, Nurdin Nurdin, Allya Roosalyn, Nina Maharani of Ecotourism Management Kampung Blekok in Situbondo, East Java2024-12-19T23:51:08+08:00Saifana Iluj'Dhia Hakikisaifanailujdh@gmail.comSatti<p>Kampung Blekok, as a one tourism destination in Situbondo Regency, has an attraction mangrove ecosystem and blekok birds. Adopt the concept of ecotourism makes this site necessary to pay attention for aspects of the natural environment, the social economy of the community, and education for tourists. This research purpose to determine the management capability by analyzing the Pressure State Response model. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey research methods. Based on the result of the analysis, it shows that the average score is 42,3% with not good. The low management capacity has as impact on the low interest of tourist returning to Kampung Blekok. Therefore it is important to optimize the availability of facilities and infrastructure, facilities, educating the local community about the importance of being environmentally conscious, as well as tourism management.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Saifana Iluj' Dhia Hakiki Managerial Capacity and Administrative Performance and the Busung Rural Coastal Tourism Development Policy2024-12-17T09:26:31+08:00Armauliza Hadi<p>This research on the implementation of the rural Coastal Tourism Development policy aims to analyze the factors that affect the managerial ability of the Busung Village Government apparatus, Seri Kuala Lobam District, Bintan Regency to implement the coastal village development policy with a tourist character, also distinguishing the administrative performance overview of the Busung local rural Government, Seri Kuala Lobam District on Bintan Regency to realize the implementation of rural coastal tourism development policies. The research intends to empower data and information needed during research, namely data sourced directly from the research location through the in-depth interviews practice that will be continuously empowered to develop a comprehent discussion of research in a qualitative approach in the descriptive form explanations of the phenomena that occur. The research findings confirm that the implementation of the rural government process is still not optimally colored by the involvement of community subjects as the main actors who participate in efforts to rural development at the research site.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Armauliza Septiawan