Infrastructure Planning: Intermediary of Indonesia’s Community Health in Climate Change Era (A Bibliometric Analysis)


  • Rose Fatmadewi Universitas Islam Bandung



climate change, health, infrastructure, planning, community resilience


Climate change has impacts on a broad spectrum of challenges, including social, economic, and environmental problems. The impacts of climate change on human health include increases in respiratory, vector-borne, and zoonotic diseases. The research focuses on one aspect of supporting human health that is often ignored in the climate change adaptation process: infrastructure planning. This article discusses this problem through a review of various research/literature which is grouped thematically with case studies in Indonesia. Based on a thematic discussion, it was found that the research that had been carried out still lacks on spatial studies of infrastructure planning’s discussion, especially those related to health-supporting infrastructure in the climate change era. These findings can ultimately provide a lot of input on research themes related to the importance of infrastructure planning as an intermediary towards a healthy and resilient society against climate change.


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How to Cite

Rose Fatmadewi, “Infrastructure Planning: Intermediary of Indonesia’s Community Health in Climate Change Era (A Bibliometric Analysis)”, ETHOS : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 31–46, Feb. 2025.