Articulation: Journal of Language, Linguistics, and Literature 2025-02-07T15:51:18+08:00 Dr. Chairiawaty, Dra., DIPL., TESOL., M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p>Articulation is a journal that publishes original papers that research or document issues in the fields of language, linguistics, and literature. This journal is published by the Language Center UPT, Bandung Islamic University. This journal is indexed in Google Scholar.</p> <p>This journal is published periodically twice a year in June and December. We accept the best articles in original research, conceptual, and practice related to language, linguistics, and literature. The language studied can be any language and is not limited to Arabic, English, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, regional languages, and modern languages. Please note that the official language writing in this journal can be English and Indonesian.</p> IMPROVING PROCEDURAL TEXT WRITING SKILLS THROUGH DISCUSSION METHODS IN CLASS VII MTS QUR'AN BOARDING SCHOOL 2025-01-03T07:33:28+08:00 YOFIT TRINA <p><em>This research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which aims to make learning more interesting and motivate students to improve their ability to create procedural texts. The PTK model uses simply classroom action research carried out by following the PTK flow procedure by the John Elliott Model, which uses four stages carried out repeatedly, namely: planning, action, observation and reflection. The research subjects were all class VII students at MTs Qur'an Boarding School Cupak</em><em> Kecamatan Gunung Talang Kabupaten Solok- Padang</em><em> for the 2024/2025 academic year with a total of 15 students. The use of the small group discussion method is good. Student learning outcomes in cycle I were 80% of students (12 people), then in cycle II it was 100% of students who got good grades with an average score of 87,5. The small group discussion method is an effective method for creating real procedural texts because each group member can contribute with their ideas and opinions.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025 YOFIT TRINA THE FADING KNOWLEDGE OF TRADITIONAL FOLKLORE AMONG MUNA ETHNIC CHILDREN IN ANDUONUHU VILLAGE, KENDARI CITY 2024-12-27T10:26:14+08:00 Shafwan Nugraha Sara Sari Nur Falmin Dimas Ezy Yunus <p><em>The phenomenon of diminishing knowledge of traditional folklore among children is becoming increasingly widespread. This study aims to reveal the fading knowledge of traditional folklore among Muna ethnic children in Anduonohu Subdistrict, Kendari City. This research employs a qualitative method with data collection techniques through observation and interviews with 16 Muna ethnic children residing in Anduonohu Subdistrict, Kambu District, Kendari City, as well as interviews with their parents for additional information. The results of this study indicate that 15 out of 16 children observed and interviewed are no longer familiar with the traditional stories passed down through generations in Muna ethnic communities. Compared to traditional folklore, these children are more familiar with stories from animated works broadcasted on television or YouTube podcasts. According to the parents, the diminishing knowledge of traditional folklore is partly due to their busy schedules, which limit opportunities for storytelling, a lack of awareness regarding the benefits of traditional folklore, and the limited availability of alternative media. The impacts include the loss of traditional folklore knowledge, the erosion of cultural values, and an identity crisis.</em></p> 2025-02-13T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Shafwan Nugraha, Sara Sari, Nur Falmin, Dimas Ezy Yunus IMPROVEMENT ABILITY WRITING A JOB APPLICATION LETTER WITH THE THINK-PAIR-SHARE METHOD ON STUDENTS CLASS XII MANAGEMENT OFFICE STATE VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL 3 SOUTH TANGERANG CITY YEAR 2024/2025 2024-12-27T10:22:11+08:00 sasih <p>Study this aiming for increase ability student Class XII Management The office of SMKN 3, South Tangerang City in write letter application work in accordance with Criteria Minimum Completion Criteria through implementation method <em>Think-Pair-Share </em>(TPS). Study this use method Classroom Action Research (CAR) with two cycles. Analysis results beginning show that only 68% of students achieved the KKM, while 32% of students other not yet finished. After implementation TPS method, in the cycle first completeness student increase to 79%, and in the cycle second, all student reach 100% completion. TPS method, which involves student think in a way individual (<em>Think</em>), in pairs (<em>Pair</em>), and sharing ideas (<em>Share</em>) with group, proven effective in increase ability write letter application work, and push interaction, participation and collaboration between students. Implementation this method no only increase skills writing, but also strengthening skills social and work the same between students. With thus, the TPS method can made into solution for increase results study student in learning write letter application work.</p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025 sasih THE CONSTRUCTION OF WOMEN'S NARRATIVES THROUGH WOLLSTONECRAFT'S LIBERAL FEMINISM PERSPECTIVE IN ‘KINI MEREKA TAHU’ BY BERNADYA 2024-12-23T11:12:01+08:00 Mohammad Ricky Ramadhan Rasyid <p><em>This study analyzed the construction of women's narratives in the song lyrics of ‘Kini Mereka Tahu’ by Bernadya through the lens of liberal feminism. The research aimed to understand how women navigate interpersonal relationships through narrative, both as creators and victims, within the context of patriarchal structures. A qualitative approach and content analysis method were employed, using the song lyrics as the primary data, supported by literature on liberal feminism. The findings revealed that women in the song utilized narrative to construct an idealized image of their partners for social validation, often at the expense of their own truth and emotional well-being. However, a shift in attitude toward the end of the song indicated efforts by women to reclaim control over their narratives, challenging the patriarchal structures that limited their autonomy. The study highlighted the duality of women's roles in interpersonal relationships and offered new perspectives on how popular media reflects gender dynamics. It also recommended further exploration of women's representation across various media to deepen the understanding of women's empowerment and gender equality efforts.</em></p> 2025-02-14T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Ricky Ramadhan THE IMPACT OF AUDIOVISUAL LEARNING MEDIA ON ABILITY COMPETENCE STUDENT ON MATERIAL TEXT LANGUAGE SHORT STORY INDONESIA IN CLASS 9E MTs. SALAFIYAH THE BIBLE OF WISDOM 2025-01-04T08:40:59+08:00 Niya Tsaniyatul Mukarromah Zaikha <p><em>Improving the learning outcomes of class IXE students in the Indonesian language subject using media Audiovisual. Study This aiming For test results learning for class IXE students in the Indonesian language subject on short story text material. The source of research data from Class IXE Students of MTs. Salafiyah Bidayatul Hidayah Mojogeneng with a total of 38 students. The research period was in Semester 1 of the 2024/2025 academic year. The research was conducted for 2 cycles. The data collected were quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data is data obtained from the results of formative tests in each cycle. While qualitative data is in the form of observation results in each learning cycle. he data obtained is then consulted with the success criteria to determine student learning outcomes. Results Study student on precycle only 10 students (40%) Which get mark in above KKM. In cycle 1 it increased to 18 students (67%). In cycle II it increased to 38 students (100%). The conclusion of the study is that improving learning using discussion methods and image media can improve the learning outcomes of class IXE students in the Indonesian Language subject.</em></p> 2025-02-16T00:00:00+08:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Niya Tsaniyatul Mukarromah Zaikha